Thursday, August 27, 2020

3 pasos para renovar sin entrevista la visa de turista

3 pasos para renovar sin entrevista la visa de turista La renovaciã ³n de la visa de turista para Estados Unidos puede hacerse siguiendo un trmite rpido y sencillo siempre que se realice dentro de plazo. En este artã ­culo se informa sobre quiã ©nes no necesitan la visa de turista y por lo tanto no precisan renovarla. Tambiã ©n cundo se tiene que renovar, si se tiene una, cã ³mo es el proceso, quã © 3 decisiones puede tomar el oficial consular y quã © no se debe hacer porque pone en peligro la visa y/o su renovaciã ³n. Con esta informaciã ³n ser fcil obtener la renovaciã ³n del visado. Quiã ©nes no necesitan una visa de turista para ingresar an Estados Unidos Es importante saber que las personas extranjeras que desean viajara an Estados Unidos como turistas o para recibir tratamiento mã ©dico necesitan de una visa B2 o la combinaciã ³n de una B1/B2 de turista/negocios, si bien existen importantes excepciones: Mexicanos y extranjeros residentes en Mã ©xico que viven junto a la frontera pueden solicitar una tarjeta de cruce, tambiã ©n conocida como visa lser. Pero sã ³lo sirve para un tiempo ms limitado que la visa de turista y tambiã ©n est restringida an ingresos terrestres y no permite adentrarse ilimitadamente en territorio de los Estados Unidos.CanadiensesCiudadanos de 38 paã ­ses parte del Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas.â Entre esos 38 paã ­ses se encuentran, entre otros, Espaã ±a, Chile, Italia y Portugal, lo cual puede ser de interã ©s para muchos latinoamericanos que cuentan con doble nacionalidad, siendo una de ellas la de un paã ­s incluido ese Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas. Cundo es necesario renovar la visa de turista Si ya se tiene una visa de turista, conocida en algunos paã ­ses como de paseo o de placer, à ©sta tiene una vigencia limitada. Puede dejar de ser vlida porque se aprueba por un nã ºmero limitado de ingresos y estos ya se han agotado o porque ya ha llegado su fecha de expiraciã ³n (tambiã ©n conocida como de vencimiento). En cualquiera de estos casos es necesario renovar la visa si se quiere viajar de nuevo a los Estados Unidos. El proceso es muy comparable a los de peticiã ³n por primera vez, pero con dos importantes novedades: el porcentaje de aprobaciã ³n es mucho ms alto en las renovacionesenâ algunosâ casos no es necesaria la entrevista en el consulado. Estas circunstancias se han endurecido desde que el presidente Donald Trump entrã ³ en la Casa Blanca. 3 trmites para la renovaciã ³n de la visa de turista History of the U.S Deben seguirse los siguientes pasos: En preliminary lugar, completar en lã ­nea el documento DS-160. La opciã ³n que aplica es la de visa reestablishment. Aunque el formulario est en inglã ©s, es posible ver una traducciã ³n al espaã ±ol colocando el cursor encima del texto que se quiere traducir. En segundo lugar, pagar la cuota correspondiente. El procedimiento de pago tiene variaciones de paã ­s a paã ­s por lo que se debe seguir las instrucciones del DS-160. Esta tarifa nunca se regresa, aunque la visa no ocean aprobada. En tercer lugar, si es necesario cerrar una cita para la entrevista en la oficina consular, seguir el procedimiento. Si no es obligatorio, proceder an entregar la documentaciã ³n como se seã ±ala en el formulario de internet.â Casos de exenciã ³n de la entrevista para renovar la visa de turista History of the U.S La entrevista en el consulado o embajada es uno de los trmites que ms disgusta a los solicitantes de las visas de turista. Una de las razones es porque la necesidad de presentarse en el edificio consular obliga a dedicar buena parte de una maã ±ana an ese trmite o incluso ms, si roughage que desplazarse an otra ciudad. Pero adems, roughage el factor subjetivo de los nervios. No todas las persona se ponen nerviosas, pero muchas sã ­, por no saber quã © le van a preguntar, por temor a dar una respuesta equivocada, and so on. Por task ello, la posibilidad de no tener que acudir a la entrevista es festejado por muchos solicitantes de la renovaciã ³n de la visa. El Programa de Exenciã ³n de la Entrevista, conocido por sus siglas en inglã ©s de IWP, que estableciã ³ paulatinamente el gobierno del presidente Barack Obama permitã ­a muchos casos de renovaciã ³n sin necesidad de entrevista. Sin ban, el  Donald Trump ha anulado esa waiver en muchos casos. Actualmente, estos child los lineamientos para no tener que presentarse a la entrevista durante la tramitaciã ³n de la visa de turista History of the U.S: Niã ±os de 6 aã ±os o menoresPersonas mayores de 80 aà ±osPersonas cuya visa de turista haya expirado hace menos de 12 meses y que nunca hayan tenido problemas en las aduanas de EE.UU., nunca hayan sido detenidas y a las que nunca se les haya negado o anulado una visa History of the U.S. En tasks los casos, las embajadas y consulados de Estados Unidos pueden decidir unilateralmente que un solicitante debe presentarse a la entrevista aã ºn cuando entre dentro de las excepciones que en teorã ­a permitirã ­an no tener que cumplir con ese propã ³sito. Quã © puede suceder durante el proceso deâ renovaciã ³n de la visa El oficial consular puede decidir: aprobar la visadeclarar un procedimiento administrativo, es decir, ni aprobaciã ³n ni negacià ³nNegar la visa. ​ Las posibilidades de que esto suceda child pequeã ±as, ya que en los casos de renovaciã ³n se produce menos de un dos por ciento de rechazo de entre todas las anxieties. Pero sã ­ que es una posibilidad genuine. No obstante, es mucho menor a lo que sucede cuando se solicita por primera vez, donde el rechazo en general supera el 20 por ciento de las peticiones, si bien feed grandes diferencias segã ºn el consulado. Las causas por las que se produce un rechazo caen bsicamente dentro de dos grandes categorã ­as, causas que convierten an una persona en inelegible para la visa de turista y las que la convierten en inadmisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos.â Si el problema se origina por una de estas à ºltimas causas, es aconsejable asesorarse con un abogado de inmigraciã ³n especialista en waivers para analizar si es conveniente solicitar uno. An esto tambiã ©n se le conoce como perdones o permisos. Quã © puede poner en peligro conservar la visa de turista Para evitar problemas muy desagradables e incluso sufrir la cancelaciã ³n de la visa es conveniente saber la respuesta correcta an estas dos preguntas:  ¿es conveniente quedarse en EEUU el mximo tiempo permitido? En este punto es de extrema importancia conocer las consecuencias, ya que desde el punto de vista migratorio child graves. Adems, es importante saberâ con quã © frecuencia se puede regresarâ a Estados Unidos como turista ya que la mayorã ­a de los viajeros no child conscientes de que el ingreso an EE.UU. les puede ser negado por un oficial migratorio aunque, en teorã ­a, estn moviã ©ndose dentro de los parmetros que marca la ley. Para city hall leader informaciã ³n sobre cã ³mo obtener y conservar la visa, se recomienda tomar esteâ este test, trifling o test sobre visas. Este artã ­culo tiene una finalidad informativa. No es asesorã ­a legitimate para ningã ºn caso en specific.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What You Learn From American Culture Example

What You Learn From American Culture Example What You Learn From American Culture †Coursework Example My first experience with American culture: As a worldwide from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) going just because to the UnitedStates, caused me to understand the glaring difference between the American culture and the Emirati culture. I had heard a ton about American culture and thought about it through well known media however living in the nation helped me really experience it direct. I discovered that in spite of the fact that there our societies were noticeably extraordinary the fundamental human characteristics were basically the equivalent. The Americans are warm and neighborly individuals with a solid feeling of independence where singular exertion is esteemed and imagination is firmly empowered. I discovered that the American culture is progressively open to global guests as the nation has had a long and amazing history of opening its shores to remote explorers. Social connections and temperances, for example, empathy towards other individuals, and balance of the whole gang a re profoundly esteemed and embraced. Albeit like different societies there are social, strict, political contrasts just as contrasts among age and sexual orientation yet everybody is dealt with consciously during social experiences. I likewise discovered that the Americans will in general be very casual towards individuals they are familiar with, and regularly utilize their first names while tending to one another paying little heed to age and status and contrasts, which was a serious lovely amazement for a universal understudy like me. In my way of life the seniors are given more regard and it is standard to welcome a senior first in the wake of going into a room. Henceforth I saw the American culture as generally open and more amiable without any clear social or age-based contrasts while tending to each other. I took in a few things about the States and the individuals when all is said in done anyway my own connections with everyone around me further helped me comprehend the way o f life from a superior point of view. I understood the job of qualities and social perspectives in molding ones culture and how it influences the manner in which we speak with each other. Living in America has helped me rethink my points of view and take a gander at the way of life from an alternate perspective.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Themes of Argumentative Essay Topics

Themes of Argumentative Essay TopicsPreparing an argumentative essay requires that students know all of the arguments and facts available to them on topic or middle school argumentative essay topics. Though middle school will be the time where students are taking a step up in their formal education, they are still just as capable of being caught up on arguments as were their younger counterparts. When students don't have the opportunity to learn how to debate effectively in school, it is up to their parents to pay attention to their kids and help them learn these skills before too much longer.In middle school argumentative essay topics include the subjects of politics, government, religion, sex, politics, and even other forms of controversy. Most middle school students have an interest in any of these topics, so they should find a topic to write about in their senior year. Because topics of discussion in this age group tend to revolve around such topics as homosexuality, freedom of s peech, and personal beliefs, arguments can be very popular. Any topic that a student is passionate about will be interesting to write about.Middle school argumentative essay topics also encompass science topics and all of the other facts that are used to prove certain points. Even though many students do not believe in the paranormal or the supernatural, they are still able to discuss such things in class. Students can discuss how scientists used certain things like magnetism and electricity to prove that these things do exist. Science can also be a good way to prove how something works or how something does not work.Another topic that students might want to cover in middle school argumentative essay topics is sports. This is because many students do not believe in anything paranormal or the supernatural, and they want to be able to learn how others think about it. This is why most sports are covered in schools, as they allow for argumentative essays to be written. They also allow s tudents to learn how to organize arguments and explain their points of view.Topics of discussion on middle school argumentative essay topics also include being overweight or obese, bullying, and even guns. Many students do not believe in these things, but they are not quite sure about what they believe in, so they can find an argument that they believe in to write about. Since a majority of the topics that students will discuss are the same, they will eventually find one that they believe in and they will be able to write an argument on it.Middle school argumentative essay topics also include the subject of health care reform. This might seem like a silly topic for a middle school student to write about, but it is actually quite important to most children. It would be even more important if they had a family member who has been injured due to someone who is not properly cared for. When they are able to express their views on such topics, they are able to make arguments about why the situation needs to be changed.Middle school argumentative essay topics include those topics that a student believes in. This means that their ideas are based on their belief systems. In many cases, it would be impossible for a student to write an argument on any topic without them knowing what the topic actually was. Instead, they need to use examples of topics that they believe in to discuss.Middle school argumentative essay topics are actually quite helpful to the students that write them. When students are challenged to write essays on topics that they agree with, they are forced to create arguments and then they can defend their points of view. This forces them to think about why they believe what they do, and this process is actually quite useful.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Narrative And Other Writings - 1137 Words

Olaudah Equiano’s The interesting Narrative and Other Writings is a very important piece of historical literature because not many books or narratives are around today that can teach the real happenings of the European slave trade in the eighteenth century. Equiano makes several arguments against slavery. Arguments from Equiano and points from the lecture state that slavery is that is inhumane. Slavery takes away the African’s and the white man’s humanity. Chapter two of The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings tells us the story of Equiano and his sister’s capture. After they are captured, they are almost immediately separated. Although Equiano, is in despair, he does have good fortune come to him when he is sold several times to†¦show more content†¦Some were his own countrymen and some were not. He witnessed a male slave’s punishment for being with a white woman. The male slave was staked to the ground, and had his ears cut off bit b y bit. When it came to women, it was not uncommon for the white men to: â€Å"Commit violent depredations on the chastity of the female slave.† (Equiano, 104) Some of the female slaves were not even ten years old, and since Equiano was still employed, he could do nothing to help the women. A cruel practice that was common for slave owners to do was to brand their slaves with their initials to show ownership. The iron muzzle, thumb-screws, and chains were just some of the instruments of torture that were common for the slaves to be punished with. Equiano learns from several enslaved men that they go several miles to their master’s home for work and then walk the several miles home after a hard, laborious day. When Equiano questioned them about why they did this, the replied: â€Å"Because when the master or mistress choose to punish the women, they make the husbands flog their own wives, and that they could not bear to do.† (Equiano 107) Many more examples of mis treatment exist in The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings. Evidence supporting the brutality of the slave trade also comes from the textbook and lecture. The Atlantic System refers to the beginning of the African Slave Trade. It was fully developed by 1700. Most slaves came from the west coast of Africa, Guinea to Angola. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Interesting Narrative and Other Writings by Equiano748 Words   |  3 PagesEquiano Written by Equiano himself, The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings was published in 1789. It is written from a first person point of view. It includes a number of letters written to express himself as a person. Equiano was born in 1745 in a province of Africa, called Eboe. The book discussed, in detail, his cultural background as well as his family. His father was a very important man within their village. In the book it also discusses the bond that he had with his mother and hisRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative And Other Writings By Olaudah Equiano1415 Words   |  6 Pages In The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings by Olaudah Equiano, Equiano gave interesting descriptions of his and others experience as a slave. He begins his novel by first explaining the place where he grew up, Nigeria, Africa. This part of Africa during that time was very fruitful and rich. Given this location, it can be understood that Equiano came from a family of wealth and power. He was the you ngest and most favored of his siblings. Equiano explained the different African traditions andRead Morenarrative essay1321 Words   |  6 PagesNarrative Essay A Brief Guide to Writing Narrative Essays Narrative writing tells a story. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

The Differences Between African Americans And Caucasians

Modern society is striving for every person, regardless of race, gender, or nationality to be treated as if they are identical. Activist can publish all the articles they want in an attempt to make everyone equal, but that does not make it so. The front line in a combat situation is one place where women just do not belong. Society would like us to believe that the only difference between African Americans and Caucasians is skin color, but if you go to any park in America and observe a game of pick-up ball, you will quickly notice that the two races are very different, both socially and physically. The two races have different backgrounds and cultures which affect their behaviors, not negatively, just in ways that make each unique. Similarly, women want to be treated exactly like men. They want to dress the same, act the same, and have access to all the same jobs. However, no matter how hard they try or how bad they want it, women simply are not created the same as men. There are jobs that women are not equipped to handle neither physically nor emotionally. The front line in the field of combat is one such place that women simply do not belong. Feminists and women’s activist groups would have us believe that women are equal in strength, skill level, and in every form as men. Some women are attempting to get into the front lines of combat using lines such as: â€Å"it would increase the number of available soldiers†, â€Å"women can be as strong as men†, â€Å"there won t be anyShow MoreRelatedDisparities Between Caucasian And African American Women890 Words   |  4 PagesRates of African American Women Disparities of all kinds exist in modern day health care. One such disparity that is of particular interest is one that exists between Caucasian and African American women relating to their respective rates of breast cancer incidence and breast cancer survival. 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I would think that it would be interesting to know a little bit more about Caucasians Americans and Black AmericansRead MoreBody Image : The African American Culture1667 Words   |  7 PagesImage in the African American Culture Today we live in a society that over the years has become so obsessed with body image and how an individual should look. Different cultures have different standards and norms that help to define their ideal body image. African Americans because of their differences in culture have gone against most cultural norms and have set their own definitions of beauty, body image, and body satisfaction. Because of these key differences, the African American communityRead MoreTaking a Look at Dementia1237 Words   |  5 Pagesto shut down. (About Alzheimers Disease: Symptons) In an effort to understand how AD is diagnosed across racial bounders and percentage comparisons of those diagnosed with AD, three studies were reviewed regarding racial differences of Alzheimer’s: â€Å"Race/ethnic differences in Alzheimer disease survival in US Alzheimer Disease Centers† – a study conducted by the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC). This data was collect from over 30 AD centers in the US from 1984 to 2005. 30,916Read MoreThe Irish As Aliens Of A Different World Essay1707 Words   |  7 Pagesrace was developed through British actions, essentially creating a course of subjecting others differences as property to walk over and substantiate their authority. These cultural views migrated to North America, implementing the aspect of control into their economy in the 18th and 19th century when cheap labor and resources were demanded. 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Apparently the objective in performing naturalistic observation is to arrange the data collection so that what is going on is comprehensible to the observer, but is not so important or conspicuousRead MoreTheme Of Racism In A Lesson Before Dying1144 Words   |  5 Pages and Its Impacts on The Society. Although, African Americans make up thirty percent of America’s population, they constitute sixty percent of the people in prison. It is apparent that being black in the American society has a great price. Racial discrimination and bigotry in the United States of America goes way back in history, from the daysRead MoreHow Hip Hop Is Influenced By African Americans And Hispanic Americans909 Words   |  4 Pages Carine Green English-Kogut Who does Hip-Hop belong to ? Hip-hop is often referred to as a musical art form, it was created by African-Americans and Latino-Americans in the 1970s. Its concept came from a younger generation of African-Americans in the Bronx, it is different from rap because it also includes elements of pop ,some say it was a beautiful, prideful expression of music, art, and dance from a backdrop of poverty. Since that ignition in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Seven Commandments May be the Key to Understanding...

The Seven Commandments may be said to be the key to an understanding of Animal Farm. The novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell expresses the idea of self-government through the animals. The animals play the role of humans. Because the animals decide that they want to run the farm by themselves, they make up a way of living called Animalism. The Seven Commandments (Animal Farms Constitution) under which they live are based on these major principles of Animalism. As time passes, the Seven Commandments undergoes subtle changes as the pigs rewrite it to suit their own agenda. The Seven Commandments may be said to be the key to understanding Animal Farm. Animalism is an allegorical mirror of the Soviet Union, particularly between the†¦show more content†¦Since not all of the animals can remember them, they are summed down into one basic statement: Four legs good, two legs bad!†, which the sheep constantly repeat, distracting the crowd from the lies of the pigs. The Seven Commandments of Animalism are written on the wall of the barn for all animals to see and read if they could. The most important is the seventh, All animals are equal. After assuming control of the farm, Napoleon and Squealer indulge in the vices of humans (drinking alcohol, sleeping in beds, trading). Whenever the pigs break one of Major’s commandments, Squealer is sent to convince the other animals that that it is the correct interpretation, as is seen in this quote: ‘You didn’t suppose, surely, that there was ever a ruling against beds? A bed merely means the place to sleep in. A pile of straw in a stall is a bed, properly regarded. The rule was against sheets, which are a human invention’. For the pigs to maintain their popularity with the other animals, Squealer secretly paints additions to some commandments to benefit the pigs while keeping them free of accusations of breaking the laws (such as No animal shall drink alcohol having to excess added to it and No animal shall sleep in a bed with with sheets added to it). Eventually the laws are replaced with All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others, and Four legs good, two legsShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm, By George Orwell2858 Words   |  12 PagesThe events that surround Animal Farm’s publication, and Orwell’s own consistent outlook towards his book provide support of its political meaning. Orwell plays a two-sided game with his reader. He emphasizes the similarities between the animal on Animal Farm and the humans they are designed to represent. 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Following the publishment of his novel, Orwell confirmed that his goal in writing this fable was to expose the wrongdoing of the Soviet Union as well as the treachery of the true ideasRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1957 Words   |  8 PagesAlthough George Orwell’s Animal Farm was created in order to mimic individuals as well as occurrences that took place during the Russian Revolution period, it is still possible to gain a comprehensive understanding of the text without a past knowledge of history through the exploitation of human nature’s imperfections. Following the publishment of his novel, Orwell confirmed that his goal in writing this fable was to expose the wrongdoing of the Soviet Union as well as the treachery of the true ideasRead MoreUnderstanding Marketing Management16709 Words   |  67 PagesPART 1 Understanding Marketing Management Chapter 1 | Defining Marketing for the 21st Century Chapter 2 | Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans a Ch ter p 1 In This Chapter, We Will Address the Following Questions 1. Why is marketing important? 2. What is the scope of marketing? 3. What are some core marketing concepts? 4. How has marketing management changed in recent years? 5. What are the tasks necessary for successful marketing management? One of the key factors in BarackRead MoreDieting Makes People Fat Essay19490 Words   |  78 Pagessmoke. There are actually many reasons which act as a cause of smoking, according to scientists. A few people take up the habit because they saw someone they admired like smoking and thought it was a cool thing to do. Another reason for some people may smoke is experimenting with friends. Here are a few most common causes of smoking: †¢ Ignorance about all the risks and disadvantages of smoking cigarettes. †¢ A total lack of discouragement against smoking. †¢ Growing up in an environment or house whereRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning or its author endorse you or your use of the work). (2) Noncommercial You may not use this work for commercial purposes (for example, by inserting passages into a book that is sold to students). (3) No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. An earlier version of the book was published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California USA in 1993 with ISBN numberRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 PagesWilson and Colin Gilligan. All rights reserved The right of Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder exceptRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesmechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Je rsey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to select good koi Essay Example For Students

How to select good koi Essay Have you ever wonder the differences between each koi, why are the colors of my koi fading away, and which koi should I purchase? All the koi are not the same and maintains different aspects. Start making the right decisions and use the money on the right koi. A good koi can be selected if it satisfies the conditions in the following passages about basic koi information, examining qualities of koi, and the final check. Acquiring the basic koi information and backgrounds are the key elements to select a good koi. A person should start by knowing some backgrounds of the dealer. Different dealers have different koi sources. For example, a dealer that buys koi from koi breeders in Japan most likely will have koi that are more expensive and higher quality than the a dealer that buys koi from a domestic breeder. One should first know what type of koi to buy, because different koi breeders have different specialty in breeding koi. Let’s use the name Hiroshima and Tokyo for now. Hiros hima breeds better quality showas(black, white, red koi), and Tokyo breeds better quality koi in kohaku(red, white). This is because different breeders uses different parent koi to breed, great quality parent koi will mostly likely to produce more great quality koi than those poorer quality parent koi. The skills and experiences of the breeders will breed different quality of koi also. Once the person has acquired the basic koi information, he must carefully examine the koi. Examining the koi is the most crucial and the hardest part, and it takes some experience and knowledge. To help examine the koi, one should apply the koi’s background information while examining. For example, if the koi’s parent are jumbos (more than 80cm), then the koi might have a chance to become a jumbo also. The age and sex of the koi are also important, male koi often cost less than the females because female koi can reproduce. The age of the koi helps determine the future of the koi. In most cases, if a young koi (1 yr) has its color fully developed already, then it is not going to be better and better and instead the color will probably start to fade away in the future. Most people would not buy an older koi (4yrs+), because the price is high and it is mostly develop already, unless the person is a breeder or a person that wants to enter a koi show. A good color quality koi should have the following (regardless of age): very thin layer of color, a high concentration of colors, and some kind of glossy like layer over the colors, these features shows that the koi has a strong color characteristic which means the color would not fade away. The pattern of the koi is the fun part, since all the koi have different patterns, one should choose the koi with the pattern he/she likes, but one should look for a more balanced color pattern. The quality of the koi, however, should not be considered first; a koi’s health condition should be the first priority when giving the koi a final check. For example, a person bought a very top quality koi, but two days later he/she found out that the koi were infected by parasites. There are ways to help to check the koi’s health condition. Ulcers and other unnatural scratches or spots should be obvious that the koi is in bad shape, but of course the dealer will not show the koi. So, if a koi is swimming downward, slowly, lonely (koi usually swim together), bulge eyes, and not moving much, then there is probably something wrong with the koi. At last, the person should give the koi a final judgment whether the koi is worth to buy at the right price and gain more experiences. .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc , .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .postImageUrl , .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc , .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc:hover , .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc:visited , .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc:active { border:0!important; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc:active , .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud8c08d7db8c0d009b0b37ff5fced9fdc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Beauty Standarts Essay Not all koi are good koi, but everyone can select a good koi. By having good patients and experiences is the key, and being ambivalent is actually a positive thing to select a koi. Follow the guide above, and with some money one could become a successful koi expert at selecting koi. Bibliography: